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ACO Music Data Analysis - Swedish data live, and World Events for politics, economics, sport, entertainment and nobel prizes over 60 years

We are pleased to announce Swedish data is live with 12 data sets covering Classical, Jazz, Music Video, Hip Hop and more.

World Events for politics, economics, sport, entertainment and Nobel prizes over 60 years.

New data sets for Sweden

ACO Music Data Analysis has added Swedish data: Singles, Albums, Compilations (Samlingar), DVD (Music Video), Classical, Dance, Metal, Jazz, Hip Hop, Hard Rock, Dansband/Schlager, Realtones.

World Events covering 60 years
New data has been added to cover World Events to support research into the impact of music on societies and cultures. The data includes World political events, Economic data, Scientific events, Entertainment awards (Grammys, Pulitzers, Nobel prizes), Sport events (Wimbledon, Superbowl, NBA) and more. The data is incorporated into the Relative Pitch GraphsTM which make new insights into music possible. This enables researchers to tell the story in new ways.
The MusicWeb resource continues to enhance research. The semantic indexing of internet resources presents bios and video. However the most exciting use for research is the way in which artists are grouped into sets of relationships - members of bands, other musicians in the same genre and period, and echonest recommendations of related artists.
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