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Livingbraille EN web forum

The European Blind Union offers a web space for every European interested in information about Braille and the role it plays in the life of visually impaired people.

Are you new in Braille and want to grasp the idea of dots on paper or on a braille display?

Are you interested in methods of Braille teaching and training?

Do you want to get to know something about new devices using Braille to communicate with a user?

Do you wish to obtain inspiration about Braille games or toys for your visually impaired child or students at school?

Are you an expert or do you have special experience with using Braille to share with others?

Visit and dive into the Braille world.

All content in the forum is public for everyone. You can comment any post of others to add helpful information. If you register and create an account, you can publish your own posts. Everybody is invited to add posts to enrich this European Braille beehive. is hosted by the EBU, supported by the European Commission and organized by the working group of the EBU on Braille.

Let’s keep Braille alive together.


Registrácia do digitálnej knižnice

Registrácia do digitálnej knižnice a na portál RTVS - Dokorán

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Hlasujte za knihu v Braillovom písme, ktorú si budete môcť stiahnuť v 10. týždni roku 2025 z Digitálnej knižnice

Malý princ, de Antoine Saint-Exupéry   Informácie o knihe Malý princ
Nech je nebo všade, "Hirax" Pavel Baričák   Informácie o knihe Nech je nebo všade
Nemecko očami policajtky, Tania Kambouri   Informácie o knihe Nemecko očami policajtky
Neverné, Ivana Havranová   Informácie o knihe Neverné
Nie som žiadna bábovka, Miriam Kalisová Šmahel   Informácie o knihe Nie som žiadna bábovka
Hlasovalo: 570
Ministerstvo kultúry Slovenskej republiky Portál Návštevník OPIS - Operačná program informatizácia spoločnosti Blindrevue – IT technológie pre osoby so zrakovým postihnutím